Monday, December 28, 2009
Over the past two years I have played over 2,000 the games of two-suite Spider Solitaire. My combined winning percentage has increased from about 20% to its current 41%. How can this be?
To increase the combined winning percentage means I have to win at a percentage rate considerably higher than cumulative average. Since the computer theoretically deals the cards randomly, I must be aware of some patterns in the cards, which enable me to increase my chances of winning. Against this backdrop is the fact my brain has been losing 5,000 neurons a day since I was 20 years old, or about 87,600,000 brain cells. I must be learning, as I am getting dumber. Wisdom.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Church Dedication, Salelologa
Ceremony is very important in
The ceremony goes something like this. Each village is lead by a dancer who can be man, woman, or child. The lead dancer is an important honor. This is followed by elaborate introductions and words of praise in formal language by an orator from the guest village with responses from an orator representing the church’s village. There then is the presentation of gifts. Tonight is a party at the church (Thank goodness Catholic’s do not ban beer). The first mass is tomorrow morning.
New Catholic Church, Salelologa
Dancer, Man (My host Matai)
Dancer, Man
Dancers, Women
Dancer, Child
Host Orator
Orator, Iva
Orator, Woman
Fresh Beef
Church While Under Construction
Primary School Dedication
The main reason for my return to
In this convoluted place, nothing is, as it seems. The school dedication, for which the village children are practicing songs/dances and feast preparations, is to be held on December 22nd, after being told December 20th and me buying a return ticket for December 21st. If there is going to be a monument to recognize me or the renaming of the school, it may have to wait until after the dedication, the finishing of the second toilet, the construction of a new assembly hall, the clearing of the rugby field, the acceptance of my proposal for a new fence, and the collection of money to pay all the creditors. By that time, people may say, “Niko, who is he?” That’s the way I would bet.
Entrance from Prince Edward Park.
School Front View
School Front View
School Rear View
Porch View of Two Buildings
School Committee Members
They took an active role in construction
Old School
Materials were used from old school for new school. Existing buildings to be used for construction of assembly hall.
Samoan Beauties
Times are a little different than whaling days, Gaugan, and before the arrival of missionaries when sailors jumped ships. However, this has not stopped men from losing their hearts to South Pacific beauties. These are some who live around me.
You can read her story at (Paper editor did not use her name in byline to protect her). I am really proud of her. Who knows what lies ahead?
Monday, December 14, 2009
Manunu Revisited
Manunu is the name of our original training village in June of 2007. This small mountain village of about 100 people is also the site for the most recent group of Peace Corps Trainees. It is to be the site for a third group within the near future. The village has that effect on both volunteers and training staff, as close to magical as you can get. I rented a car and went to see if the magic was still there after an absence of 2 ½ years.
The village definitely looks more prosperous. Maybe the infusion of Peace Corps money on such a small place has something to do with it. A new meeting hall for the village’s solitary church is most conspicuous. New out buildings and remodeled main houses also suggest something happened over the intervening period.
My personalized welcome at the church service and the appearance of some familiar faces was moving. The sermon had numerous references to the Peace Corps and me. The people really wanted to know about Mary. She still comes the closest to a saint. So I gave my best to canonize her to the congregation, explaining why she did not accompany me to
The members of our former host family are well and happy to see me. The youngest children who did not remember us at all and the oldest greeted me with enthusiasm. The two teenagers, who do remember me, spoke not a word, never smiling. But 2 ½ hours after 2 ½ years is about the most you can expect before words run out and it is time to leave.
2007,2009: Manunu Village Green, houses surround this circular area.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Samoan Office Christmas Party
The Peace Corps Staff invited me to their office Christmas party. In many ways these affairs seem to have a common theme. This one is no exception, but with a definite Samaon flair.
Some Drinks
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Group 82 Swearing In
After nine weeks of training, fifteen women and five men took the Peace Corps oath today at the Pasifica Hotel in Apia and officially can be called Peace Corps Volunteers. All are going to posts in rural primary schools to assist in the teaching of English as a Second Language with a secondary mission of a health related project. This marks a sharp departure for Peace Corps Samoa, which over the past several years volunteers focused on teaching computer skills in secondary schools and another group focused on development in rural villages (my program).
For me in the audience to watch their proud smiling faces brings back fond memories when our Group 78 took a much shorter version of the oath. Of course each class anywhere feels that their training was the toughest and they the brightest, never to be matched. What more can be added to “Congratulations” and “Good Luck”?
A side result of the program was the seeing familiar faces from our old host family and pastor from our shared training village, Manunu. Their coming up to me with hugs, kisses, and necklaces made of candy, just made up my mind that I must go back and visit them before I return home.
All the time, I was a Peace Corps Volunteer I never went fishing. Well, I finally got my chance.
Deep Sea Sport Fishing
I went out with the Peace Corps Country Director, Dale Withington, and his German friend from UNESCO, Jon, to participate in Dale’s first Samoan fishing contest. We were out for 10 hours in heavy, rainy seas. I couldn’t take a picture or even pee because at no time did the boat come close to being still, let alone have a predictable moment. Like all fishing trips stories abound about the “one” that got away. This “one” was a sailfish I was bringing in to the side of the boat when the line broke, or the gaffer, Dale, muffed. We later discovered that sailfish would have put us in first place. For all our efforts, we did catch three tuna and felt like our bodies had been beaten up the next day.
The Boat & Crew
The Catch
The end result, delicious "Oka", raw fish
Spear Fishing
Ben Harding who is from my group and has extended for another year, took my to the reefs outside of Apia. Spear fishing, nothing to it. You just pretend you are a fish, lull them into complacency, and spear them. I have seen it done hundreds of times on television. The details are too ugly to tell. Ben did get two nice reef fish and I took his picture.
Apia Changes
Over the past two years there have been major changes in Samoa’s capital city, Apia?
Can you find them?
It is hard for me to feel the full impact of the tsunami that hit Samoa in September after I left in August. Here are some stories and photos to give you some idea.
The Earth Quake
Preceding the tsunami, Samoa was struck by a huge early morning earthquake, which lasted about 90 seconds. Everything was jumping around. Although Samoa gets lots of earthquakes, there was nothing of this magnitude before. No one suspected the earthquake had triggered the tsunami 20 minutes later. There was no general alarm sounded.
The Erica Wales Story
Erica is a Peace Corps Volunteer who was awakened by the Peace Corps’ Medical Officer, Tuila Pati, and told. “Run Erica, Run for higher ground”. Erica ran from her seaside house as waves chased her up the hill. Fortunately, the Peace Corps staff had received a tsunmai warning from Hawaii, saving Erica’s life. Her house was totally destroyed.
Tsunami Photos
Note how high the water went up the side of the hill and how small the people are
Beachside Road
Note the number “9” painted on the road and beach fales.
Faofao Beach Resort
Searching for bodies
Some Peace Corps and Samoan Volunteers
Shane Tewilla's (Group 68) Beachside House
Fortunately Shane left Samoa before his house was destroyed.