Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dr. Jennifer Dick

Going into the Peace Corps can have unexpected consequences.

Yesterday, I met Jennifer Dick, MD, to have a sebaceous cyst removed from my neck. Dr. Dick is a single, beautiful, dermatologist in her mid 30's. During the course of the initial exam, the subject of me going into the Peace Corps arose. She too had harbored the idea of joining the Peace Corps before entering medical school. Then something happened.

Suddenly we began to talk about her travels to Asia and especially India during college. Her interest in both religion and biology. Her family, her home town of Fairmont, MN, her desire to maybe do something with the Gates Foundation. Within a total of fifteen minutes, as she operated inches away from my carotid artery, we moved into the complexities of human spiritualism and the mysterious connections of the biological world.

As I left the clinic, my neck bandaged, she was talking to another doctor. Her back turned to me. I savored this Peace Corps inspired moment. I then walked crossed the street to where the oil in my car was being changed.

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