August 3, 2010
John Kleive on his 77,000 mile "Hog"
with a case of Three Buck Chuck strapped to the back for his return
to his boat docked on Lake Superior.
John's newest tattoo
John Kleive finished his Samoan Peace Corps assignment as a Welding Instructor last May. He has decided to return to Samoa as a private citizen this coming September to continue his teaching at Don Bosco College in Apia, which is a school for men who had dropped out of high school before graduation or are returning to learn a trade.
While John was in Minnesota for the summer visiting his children and tending to his Northern Minnesota home, Mary and I met him for lunch in St. Paul.
John plans a trip New Orleans and Las Vegas on his Harley as he makes his way back to Samoa, only to pick the cycle again in Las Vegas when he returns to the U.S. next May. What a life!
Man, we just missed meeting "John the Welder" when we visited our kids in Samoa. We were supposed to meet with him at the fish market, and he was going to help butcher the purchases into correct size steaks, but he begged off, sicker than a dog that day. Everything I have heard, and now everything I see tell me he is one special guy. It was our loss not to meet him.
By the way, definitely not a traditional Samoan tatoo!
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