Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Throne (PG-13)


Let’s face it. There are few places better suited for everyday meditation and deep thinking than the throne. In a way, throne time is a period of renewal and rejuvenation, as well as, relaxation. The throne is egalitarian. Everyone is a king. The world just outside is not so scary from your perch.

From my Samoan throne, I have the added pleasure during my allotted time of neatly tearing and folding two sheets of paper on my thigh, one for the soil, the other for packaging, to deposit in the box next to my throne to await eventual pickup and incineration. A flush and away to a new day.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Ok, this one begs further explanation. I just don't get it, Dad. Why the two different depository methods? Can't you simply flush the toilet paper? You simply must post a further discussion of this, a most important topic.