Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mark “Maleko” Leaves


Last Friday morning, Mark “Maleko” Miller from our Group 78 left Samoa for a 40+ hour trip back to his home in Tennessee. The reason may best be described as irreconcilable differences between Mark, the Peace Corps, and Mark’s village chief/host father. The different ways each party looked at the situation left no real alternative other than for Mark to return to the U.S.

The tragic part is that Mark has no desire to leave the Peace Corps. Fortunately for him and the Peace Corps arrangements are being made for him to be reassigned to another country within the next six months. This would mean starting over again as a new trainee but with the knowledge he gained from Samoa behind him. He is requesting a more structured program than the Village Based Development program.

Mark was one of the younger members of our group with a cheerful attitude towards his job and life. We all will miss him and wish him the very best wherever his new assigment may be.

Mark “Maleko” Miller

Mark Going Native

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