Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Progress Report: Month XIV


New Primary School
Suddenly out of nowhere I am told by the mayor on a Friday to write a proposal for a new primary school which needs to be submitted to the Japanese Funding Agency, JICA, by the following Tuesday. He says this proposal is the reason why the village requested a Peace Corps Volunteer. I can’t go into details as to what transpired before or after the proposal was submitted, since I am writing a screenplay for what is sure to be a smash comedy hit.

A second round of testing for my village of Iva and the adjacent village of Vaisaulu scheduled for the Diabetes Association postponed October 30th due to lack of funds. It should be rescheduled for November. The staggering results of the first round were submitted to the Ministry of Health. I posted the results on my wall for passers by to see in hopes of raising awareness.

I am happy that there is some interest by the Women’s Committees of both villages to work on a program for interested people to lose 10 pounds in 20 weeks. A loss of only 10 pounds can dramatically lower blood sugar and blood pressure. However, seemingly easy lifestyle changes are difficult wherever.

The satisfaction of growing your own food, introducing new vegetables, selling produce is worth all the time and effort. Just what long lasting effects this has on the village seems bleak. Other Peace Corps Volunteers have started their own gardens. It is hard to tell what may happen.

Small Business
The single mother with whom I am consulting is making deposits for herself in the bank. Her mother seems very happy with the progress so far. I got some cheese while in Apia as pizza may become a new offering to go along with DVD rentals and commodity sales.

Sewing Machines
The Women’s Committee has assured me that they are preparing for a fashion show for the around New Years.

No new developments.

No new developments.

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