Monday, May 30, 2011

Lunch with Miss Samoa

May 25, 2011

Miss Samoa is more than a pretty talented young woman. For Samoans she is an icon, which they greatly respect. This year’s Miss Samoa is Jolivette Ete; a chemical engineer, pianist, poster girl, and athlete. During her reign she is assigned to the Samoan Tourist Authority where Jim Metz, a third year extended Peace Corps Volunteer, is also assigned and who helped arrange a meeting with her.

Jolevette is easily recognized, even with a wrist wrapped in an Ace bandage for playing touch ruby. She is a strong believer in the Samoan Challenge and would like to be its Spokesperson, providing she gets approval from the Tourist Authority. It is not often you can find such a committed spokesperson.

By the way, she bought lunch, some say out of pity.

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