Sunday, September 28, 2008

Diabetes Clinic, Chapter II


After the clinic in my village of Iva where 33% tested for diabetes levels of blood sugar combined with the seeming indifference by my village leaders to proceed any farther, I was mad. Before dawn the next morning, I biked to the next village of Viasaulu where “Samoan” jazzercise classes were being held. I met the woman conducting the program who hosted a recently departed Peace Corps, told her about Iva’s testing program, and might her village be interested. She said she had to talk to the village council and for me to wait. She walked down the road and talked to an old man. She then said, “What day are they coming?” That is how things go in Samoa.
Upon telling the mayor of my village what I was doing in the next village and maybe it could be a joint project for both villages, he promptly agreed. Now I have to make it happen.

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