Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Alter Garden


Peace Corps Volunteer, Trent Lobdell in Safotu on Savaii, has a Women’s Committee that is Gung-ho about starting a community vegetable garden. They want to sell vegetables to the vegetable deprived resorts in the nearby resort village of Manase. With Trent’s help, they have an excellent business plan, written a proposal for garden tools, and have cleared a ½ acre of prime land. Trent asked me to help him and the women with seeds and advice. I eagerly went to his village.

One big difference between his village and mine is Safotu has unused land loaned to the Women’s Committee for a garden, whereas mine has been unable to find anyone willing to share their land for such an activity. The issue of land being a heritage rather than a resource to be used to its fullest is one of the underlying problems Samoa faces in agricultural development.

Safotu has become my alter garden. I look forward to visiting there again. The women treat me great, maybe a little too cheeky, but the food and Trent’s seaside home makes seeing what I had hoped to accomplish take shape.

Trent's House

New Garden Fork with 5 Year Warranty, Now with Two Tines

Now with One Tine

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