Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sera’s Choice-Act I


I am helping our host family’s son with his 13th level English lesson. The lesson is a play that is discussed in class and later to be performed. That is not unusual. What is unusual is the subject matter of the play.

The play is about a native Fijian girl, Sera, who falls in love with a Fijian with an Indian heritage (Similar to a black-white situation in the States). The play’s themes run from interracial marriage, to sex, infidelity, physical abuse, religion, career choices, parental consent, what constitutes a friendship, deceit, values, traditional vs. modern lifestyles, etc. These are subjects many young people face and have to make decisions. It is hard for Mary and me to imagine this play being part of the regular school curriculum in an American high school without the indignant protest from some parental or religious group.

We are only at Act One. Just what are Sera’s choices how she arrives at her decisions we just have to wait. Until then, we sit befuddled about how Sera coexists with the other things we have observed.

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