Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Reflections Upon Arrival


The fog of jet lag clouds my mind about where do I fit after Peace Corps. The way of life I originally had before Peace Corps seems trite compared to the last two years. Already cold winds blow in Minnesota as I try to reacquaint myself with my native culture. What made sense before appears stupid to me now. But this rejection upon returning is not uniquely mine, for I have heard it from other returning Peace Corps and the foreign exchange students who have lived with us. The hardship of fitting into a Samoan lifestyle needs to be repeated one more time.This is not a pleasant time for me and probably for those around me.

What is pleasant is my Samoan health projects have "legs". A Brown University professor who has done similar studies in Samoa wants to talk. Peace Corps Samoa wants to stay in contact as they develop a new program centered on education and health in rural villages. I have no idea where all this may lead, but it is nice to think past efforts may have some sustainability.

In the meantime, I organize the many photos for CDs and prints to be sent back to those people left behind. I look at their faces. I wonder what they are doing. What will happen to them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One never returns the same as they once were before,your mind will always return to those 24 months the rest of you life. Have some mutten flaps and don't worry about those left behind,they are not worried about you. Life goes on with and without,look forward to the long winter ahead.